What's up with Vinnie Rossi L2i SE?

A lot of them (particularly given how few units were manufactured) are popping up on the used market at a significant discount.  I was told he's discontinued them and his new lines will start at $30k and up.
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I also think more of these sold than the poster may believe. So many glowing reviews across the board and it’s right there in a pocket of sound, design, options and price point that is an appealing combination for people. There will always be ‘that moment’ timing with a piece where a number of owners feel the need to get out of it for their various reasons. Also, transferable warranties or not seem around 50/50 in the industry.

I own the L2 Signature Preamp since its launch (2+ years ago) and play it for 5 to 10 hours almost every day, without a single hiccup.
@jriggy I have absolutely no idea if this is true or not, but with the offer of such a long warranty for original owners, I suspect there's some wiggle room for second owners... especially if the problem clearly isn't due to bouncing around during shipping.  I could easily imagine someone with a 5-year old unit they'd owned for a couple years being granted service if a part burned out in course of every day use.
@cal3713 and with Vinnie being as nice and cool as he is, I wouldn’t be surprised either. You don’t always find a designer/manufacture who will do custom requests, so I can easily see someone as engaged as Vinnie is/was (when his forum was open) being fair like that. I’ve seen that with with other cool owner/designers too.