Alexx and Lamm ML1?

Getting a pair of Wilson Alexx (min 50W). My room is 12 by 24’. Will my beloved Lamm ML1 (90W) be able to get the best out them?
 Sorry no way not enough current from the ML1’s, not with this kind of load, if you want to hear the best from these Wilsons.
And you’ll have to use the 4ohm tap on the ML1’s and this will be half the 8ohm wattage, also not enough watts as well. They are nice amps though, just not for these speakers.

The combination of 3 ohms magnitude and a phase angle of –44° between 56 and 59Hz will stress amplifiers, as will the combination of 2.2–2.6 ohms and a phase angle of +40° between 4 and 5kHz. Alexx owners need to match the speakers with amplifiers unfazed by very low impedances.
Sound s like your not short of a quid, get yourself a Gryphon Antillion which has 3 x user adjustable class-A settings while listening, and listing to those Wilsons sing then.

Cheers George
Agree with George, I would want at least 250 high current watts in an amp with a high quality toroidal transformer and quality caps. Do not skimp on the power delivery side of the equation.  Great speakers btw!
Trent, sale manager from Wilson,  drove his Alexx with the Lamm 2.1 and said he loved that combo.  Also depends on your listening level. The other amps suggested above have good favor as well. 
Karma MIDI Exquisite. Wonderful sound, just a bit ‘thin’ when playing full orchestral pieces.