Duelund 16ga vs. 12ga

I've read some comparisons on-line, but am curious about others' experiences comparing these two gauges of Duelund hookup wire...

I currently have 16ga on a pair of Coincident PREs which require four separate runs of cable (to power the subwoofer and head units).  I'm trying to figure out if I should replace both sets of wires, or leave 16ga on either the head units or subs... or just stick with the 16ga on everything.  I have two goals, 1) to extract as much bass as possible out of my system, and 2) to get the most natural tones and textures.

Any input is appreciated.
I asked a cable guy who I trust (not Jim Carey) about the situation. He said stick with my 16 GA on Horns. But on the bass, the 12 GA would definitely be worth trying. Another option would be the double up (stack) the 16GA for the bass, which he said would essentially make it a 13 GA cable. Interesting stuff. 
I agree,16 Ga for mids and uppers and 12 Ga for bass, based upon my personal testing of Duelund wire.
I have short cable runs due to monoblocks, but never heard any difference between the two on my bass cabinets.  Unfortunately never tried the 12ga on my head units. 

I eventually switched to tempo electric solid core silver wiring and found it superior in all regards.  I think the Duelund has wonderful tonality, but loses a bit of precision due to the stranded wire design.  My old preamp had 16ga Duelund in it and I modified one input to use only a single strand of the duelund wire.  Comparing to a standard input you could hear the blurring caused by the multiple strands.  In the end I preferred single strand solid core silver (VH Audio) in that position as well.