Kind of Blue SACD on a whim.

I've been listening to jazz for only about a year. I can't say that I'm a jazz fan yet but I am growing more and more fond of Kind of Blue. Last night I was looking around on eBay and saw a Kind of Blue MoFi hybrid SACD. It was $30, new, and on an impulse I bought it.

I have never bought and do not own any SACDs. (I have an Oppo player). I also know nothing about MoFi other than an association with high production quality.

Anyway, I am interested in anyone's thoughts on this SACD from a quality standpoint. According to the dynamic range database virtually all releases of Kind of Blue are superb from a DR standpoint so that should not be an issue. I did read that on some CD releases prior to 1992 the timing was off which cause slight pitch issues. I am assuming this SACD would not suffer from that issue but have no way of knowing but probably don't have the ears or familiarity with the album to know.

That MoFi Kind Of Blue was also released on 45 RPM vinyl format and there are a number of reviews on that specifically. May want to read those to get a flavor about the reception to MoFi’s Kind Of Blue release in general. I would also spring for the hi-rez version of KOB (24~96 or 24~192, sold by HD Tracks and others). It sounds really good. Having that and the MoFi SACD to compare side-by-side will tell you a lot. Few people who love that album have just one release! But I would say you’re did pretty good with your first purchase of Kind Of Blue. 
IMHO, the Mofi SACD is an excellent version and you don’t need to try to find something better. It does play at the correct speed. You’re right that some of the earlier CD versions did not.

If you want to learn a little about what goes into finding the "best" version check out this thread from the Steve Hoffman Music Forums:

(1) Best Sounding Version of Kind of Blue | Steve Hoffman Music Forums

Those forums are where sound quality is discussed. If you go there, you may find that differences in sound quality discussed there may not be as significant to you as they are to some people on those forums.

That thread discusses both digital and vinyl versions, so that complicates matters too.

I only own three versions of KOB - early Columbia vinyl, 1995 Classic Records double vinyl (includes original and corrected speeds for Side 1 - the corrected tracks are in sequence on the 2nd disk) and the 1996 Columbia SACD.

Of these, I think the double vinyl is best in every way.  Can't help with any others.  I just wanted to stress that, if I could choose a "cost-no-object" recording, it would be KOB.  If you love the album, my advice is to spend whatever it takes to get what you believe to be the best version.  To do that with every title we want would be nuts, but some warrant it.