Vandy 2ci's in mint condition or Totem Hawks

Help folks. I can pick up a pair of Vandersteen 2ci's in mint condition. I currently have Totem Hawks. I'm running Pass Aleph 2's with a Cary SLP-50B preamp. Mostly jazz, rock. Not a sound blaster at all. I enjoy the Hawks, but I remember hearing some 3a's (I think) a awhile ago and really enjoyed them, so I was wondering if the move to the 2ci's would be worth it. I enjoy the Hawks, mid's are silky smooth. But I'm starting to yearn for a fuller ranged speaker.
Thoughts? Thanks!!
The only speaker (and I confess to not having experience with a ton of the current models and designs) that did more for me than 2Cis were Carver Amazings, which are the second-best speaker I have ever heard, the best being Sound-Lab A1s (driven by Atma-Spheres).

It's really hard to go wrong with 2Cis. Had I not heard the Carvers, I'd probably still have mine. They just play music.
The Vandy 2Ci has to be the used speaker bargain champ. I don't have room for 'em in my current listening area (I use a Silverline Prelude/REL sub combo) but I love the sound of Vandys and had some 1Bs years ago that were amazing.
Thanks for all the responses, quite a lot of vandy fans. I actually went a totally different way. I picked up a pair of Von S's VR3's. I heard either these or the VR4 years ago and was stunned by the natural sound. Fast forward to now, while I truly enjoy the smooth mids of my hawks, Im looking for a 'bigger' sound to fill my large space. I will report back when I get them.