Looking for my "last" CD transport

Hello everyone,

as I am unhappy with my CD transport which is connected to my Linnenberg Satie DAC, I am looking for my "final" CD transport to replace it.

There is a limited market for new ones but I am also interested to get a vintage one if it makes sense.

Any ideas, suggestions?
Thanks for your help,
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Unless you're only planning on living for another 10 years, there is no such thing as a final CD transport. It's the most mechanical component you can buy for your rig. I can't think of one company who will have you covered for repairs 20 years down the road. Oh yes, Esoteric fixes them BUT, are you ready to send your unit to Japan and shell out $3500.00?
You would think a company like Sony could manage to make and support a great CD transport or player. Yes and no. Large companies like Sony only support any given unit for 10 years. Then, you can heave it in the dumpster. Krell players in the day were great. I had a 20i. Not long after it's debut, the transports were discontinued by Phillips. Krells plan then was to have the players shipped to the Netherlands for repair. Again, not worth the price. I presently only a PS Audio transport. It is quirky like an old computer. When those transports are gone, it's Chuck U. Farley. I think the best option is to but a cheap transport and be happy.
jnovak: Esoteric has service in the USA, it is only sent to Japan if they cannot service it in the US, which is not often.  $3500??  I think you mis-typed it.  More like $350.
Hi fred60. Not a typo. Most Esoteric players need to go to Japan as that's where the "alignment jig" is kept. They did start a service whereas you can send your player to TAP Electronics in Ca. and they will remove the transport and send it alone to Japan. Still, this all in all will be costly. The thing that's crazy with this is; Esoteric is supposed to make a fantastic transport. Much has been touted about it's greatness. Looking at the past 20 years though, I'd say much cheaper transports have faired just as well and for a fraction of the price!
jnovak: I see that you had a problem with Esoteric after buying a used piece.  They have a 3-year warranty on all equipment.  And the cost of shipping can be avoided-- there are many cheaper options.  What about PS Audio?  They sold their Directstream Memory Players for $6,000 using a Oppo transport mechanism.  Oppo gets out of the business-- and PS Audio owners are out of luck.  Esoteric makes their own mechanism, which means that they can fix it.  Did your Esoteric repair cost you $3,500-- or as you posted on another thread-- $350?  Anyway-- you buy a Ferrari, you pay a lot for maintenance and repairs.  Buy a cheap player, and you can just trash it when it stops working.