My system....what and how will cabling impact?

Stereo Equipment

I know that not proving enough info is troubling so here is my complete list for my system.

All in around 100k.

Wilson Audio Sasha DAW

D’Agostino Integrated Amp

Clear Audio Ovation w/ 9” tracer tone arm

Clear Audio Concerto V2 MC cartridge

DCS Bartok DAC

VTL 6.5 phono pre amp (used w less then 50 hours of use)

HRS RXR Maple rack w/ isolation shelves

Transparent Music link and music wave cabling.

The room is strangely laid out. First, high cathedral ceilings with several peaks for sounds to bounce around. Second not too wide from speaker fronts to my ears but long. Approximately 25’ X 50’. From speaker fronts to my ears maybe 15. Speakers are positioned close to back wall and I am sitting on a sofa that places me about 2 feet in front of the front wall which is comprised of windows.

Now onto my first impressions. It sounds fantastic. Very warm, melodic, clean, rich and juicy are a few adjectives that come to mind. The TT sounds as good or perhaps at times better than the DAC. The soundstage is fairly wide given the limited space between my ears and the speakers.

Now onto my question. I have spent around $2,000 for cabling. I am figuring that those are what many of you would consider basic cabling. I see folks spending much much more for cabling. What does investing in high end cabling buy you? How does it effect the final outcome? Will the sound be richer and more realistic? What high end cables are recommended for the system I have? How much should one expect to spend for cables for the system I have assembled?

Thanks for your input.

@lawmnsuu - take a look at Inakustik cables. They are extremely good and very articulate and open sounding.

Nordost are another company, but you would have to look at their higher end cables to do justice to your components.

Regards - Steve
i think you have a ton of money into thar nice system.  Just go buy a 
   brand.  i can't say brands 
in here.  just drop 5.5 K   on bundle up I.C., Speaker Cable ,Power cable   that will get you past the 2 k  products  
IMHO to make a substantial impact you could look to invest 20-30% of your overall MRSP budget on power delivery and cabling. That said you can look for deals on the used market to bring those costs down. 

The biggest immediate impact I experienced was when I changed my power cables, and then my interconnects and finally speaker cables. 

The overall background was quieter. The sound stage was wider and deeper. Details would seem to pop out of nowhere, guitar strings breaking, foot tapping, drum skins and high hat decay... 

Do some research before you pull the trigger. Its worth doing the homework for the investment you plan on making.

Here are a couple of companies to check out as well

Good Luck
You have, I would think everyone would agree - nice equipment (though I'm not familiar with a few pieces).
Systems perform only as well as their weakest / limiting link. Components, wires, power supplied, system set up, room acoustics, software (recorded music) are all very important. And each part has to be at a high enough level to identify differences when something is changed. 
I had very high end cables and found a cable brand that was / is drastically better - so good I became a representative / dealer for the brand (I'm not going to say the brand because I gave up promoting them - a totally different subject). But what I am saying is that cables make a drastic difference.
Think of it this way - and I'm using extremes to make a point.
Let's say you have "THE BEST" equipment, set up very well with a room that's acoustically treated very well and that you have extremely well recorded music. All this is connected using cheap speaker/power/interconnect wire, the kind that comes on a spool and has one silver and one copper colored conductor with transparent insulation - and for argument sake, let's say it's 18 gauge wire.
I think we can all agree that, in this example - that system would be limited / severely impacted by the wire's performance.
Another extreme example is having the best wires. Even moderate systems would produce their best results.
In very simple terms, signal wires are supposed to transfer the signal while doing the least harm, or stated another way - with the highest fidelity. In this hypothetical issue, we have to ask - do our components perform / reproduce music with the highest fidelity? If a component in the system has poor high frequency performance, then selecting signal wires with the most fidelity could make this system performance sound worse because they are actually revealing that component's poor high frequency performance (as opposed to a wire that reduces high frequencies and masks the component's poor high frequency performance).
Now I'm using over simplified examples to demonstrate a point.
However - when you have very good components and you purchase the best wires you can, then those wires will most likely stay in your system for a long, long time even when other components are upgraded.
Let me bring this to an actual system, and I'm not bragging because there are many other systems that are much, much more expensive then ours. Our system includes Sasha I's, Meridian 800 and 861v8, Pass XA-200.5's, Sound Application TT-7 Power Conditioner and great wires. Our system is very well set up and I have a selection of well recorded music. When I play music, our system not only has what I would refer to as "the basics" (frequency response, dynamics, speed, cohesion, bla bla bla) but it also images as if a real performance was occurring in our room. Would you mistake it for a real performance? No, but it's close.
When we play music - the singer and instruments are spread out on the stage from side to side and front to back just like a live performance with 3 dimensional images just like the real thing. You can't tell where the speakers are - very very literally. Last audiophile friend I had over, after 5 seconds into the first song put his face in his hands and continuously repeated "oh my God."
With the quality of your components, your system should be performing like this. If you take the time to set up your system and room well, and find well recorded music - it will. I know this because I was able to do it and I'm no one special (no bs here).
Regarding wires - if you invest in great wires, depending on the wires you select, they'll be with you for a very long time and it will be a good long term investment. This is what I've experienced and my family and I have enjoyed the great performance of our system.
There's a lot that goes into identifying and selecting components and identifying high fidelity but that's for another subject / post.
Most sincerely :-)