Your advice needed, speakers to buy $8K to $13K

Hello All - I am shopping/buying speakers and want your advice and recommendations on what speakers to audition that might meet my needs/wants. I am looking for floor standing speakers in the price range of $8,000 to $13,000 with the following info for you to consider:

·       I currently have an older CJ 120 wat system but am now changing my entire system starting with speakers. I am looking at AR LS28 or Primaluna EVO 400 tube preamps and a class D power amp. Right now, the Bel Canto 600 with 300+ wats.  My plan is to add tube magic in the signal path at the preamplifier.

·       I stream mostly via Bluesound Nod 2i but for serious listening I have a Linn LP12.

·       I need speakers that are not to room, location or set-up fussy as I have moved a few times and will move again.

·       My listening tastes are diverse although I don’t listen to rap, heavy metal, pop or much opera. The rest is fair game.

·       I love to crank-it-up, but I listen mostly and moderate to low volume levels – the speakers MUST sound good at low volumes

·       Tied to bullet above - I am partial to highly efficient speakers with 90 db efficiency or more. I have a have the impression that higher efficiency speakers still sound good at lower volume. I have been told, by salespeople, that this is not correct, so I open to efficiency below 90 db.

·       I need and want something pleasing to the eye and not obtrusive. Said another way, and to give you an idea of my aesthetic taste, absolutely no Tektons.

·       The sound that engages me emotionally and I am looking for in speakers:

o   Lots and lots of air and space

o   Beautiful imaging

o   Big soundstage

o   Extended highs (I like the sound of ribbon tweeters as it seems to extend way up and sparkle…airy)

o   I like base but only as a support and foundation for the rest of the musical range, but it is not a big focus for me as it is for some.

·        The sound I do not like:

o   Sound that seems reserved, held back, constrained (i.e., opposite of special and airy)

o   Sound coming clearly from a box or from specific location….as in from a box

o   Lack of extended highs

o   Blooming base

·       Considered to date:

o   Alta Audio Alec, $10K – Spacial and airy to a fantastic level. Imaging is just moderate.

o   Spacial Audio X5, $7K – To date, they have check most of my boxes except they are really large and obtrusive. Basically, I am looking for this sound but in a more attractive package.

o   Ohm – Very open and airy but imaging and top end sparkle missing for my taste

YOUR CHALLENGE – What other speakers should I consider and looking at?   Thank you in advance for your thoughts!



I've had the Spatial Audio X5's for almost a year now and really like them.  Can't help you with size, although they are less than 4 feet tall.  If it's about being obtrusive in the room, I have Herbies Audio Labs slider / isolation feet and I slide them in and out of place for listening sessions.  And if you like ribbon tweeters, you will love that top of the line AMT that Clayton uses on the X series.  Plus you are at the low end of your budget.  One suggestion....I've had the Prima Luna pre and had Don Sachs all in preamp made for me about a year ago and there is really no comparison.  Don's pre with those high end 6sn7 tubes gives depth and soundstage, along with tonal quality that is stunning.  Best of luck on your search.
I recommended two (2) speakers;

1. Spatial Audio X5.  I own these speakers and they SMOKE!  They do need to be at least 3 ft. off the front wall to create a musical magic show and the more distance from the front wall will help to eliminate bass cancellation that dipole speakers are prone to have.  They take a long time to break in, so you should not judge them critically until after about 200+ hours of break in.  They are very thin in depth, but they are 14” wide as you mentioned they were big, but they work for me in my space, so hopefully you will reconsider them.  I haven’t heard anything in their price range that sounded that good.  Pure Audio Project (PAP) supposedly has a nice open baffle design, but I chose Spatial Audio because the PAP’s were even bigger in width and their business model of having customers build their own speaker wasn’t something I wanted to deal with.  PAP’s owner, Ze’ve, was great to talk to and I almost bought a pair.  With the X5’s, all instruments sound real and they deliver a very open soundstage.  It is very different from box speakers which don’t sound as open after you compare them to Spatial Audio’s open baffle design.  I would say you have to spend a lot of money on a box speaker to truly outperform the X5’s.  My front end gear is a Mac mini, Intona USB isolator, Intona USB cables, HoloAudio Spring DAC2 KTE version, PrimaLuna EVO 400 preamp and amp combo, Cardas Audio XLR interconnects and speaker cables.  I can’t say if PrimaLuna sounds better than the AR LS28, but the build quality of PrimaLuna gear is hard to beat at it’s price point.  Call Spatial Audio’s owner, Clayton Shaw.  He is very personable and will answer all of your questions.

2.  Wilson Audio Sabrina (Used) - If I decided to go back to a traditional box speaker design, I would buy a used pair of Wilson Audio Sabrina speakers.  They smoke, period!  My cousin owns a pair of Sabrina’s and his front in gear is a CJ LS17 preamp and CJ Premier 11 mono blocks and his system sounds great.  His room treatments took it to another level as well.

Lastly, after all these years of building my hifi system, I finally learned that room treatments make a big difference.  We don’t realize how much we are listening to our room vs. our hifi gear.   We keep replacing components thinking something is wrong with our gear when it’s our room we are listening to due to a lack of room treatments.  Treat the room before critically judging your hifi gear.  The room treatments are cheap compared to what we pay for our hifi gear.  I like GIK Acoustics’ room treatment offerings.

Have fun with your search!
Considering your requirements (especially tonal/timbre accuracy, dynamics, air, etc) and for your budget, you may find it hard to beat the following two speakers:

Technics SB-R1 (16k USD MSRP, you could possibly whittle it down to 13k)
Yamaha NS5000 (15k USD MSRP, you could possibly whittle it down to 13k)
Have you considered Larsen Model 8's? At the high end of your price range but specifically designed as agnostic to room placement. I run them with a Bel Canto EX Black Integrated, BLUOS Vault, and a modified Shinola (API) turntable. I occasionally think about switching to Harbeth but after a long wear in period (over 1 year now) overall sound is great. They can be placed against the wall (Larsen recommends), but I've tried some different placements. Good luck!