Headphone amp connection

Hello all,

So I am thinking about adding a headphone amp to my set up.  Nothing too fancy, something like a Schiit Audio Asgard to power some HiFiMan HE400S headphones.  My question is what is the best way to wire up the headphone amp?  The was I see it I have two choices with my equipment.  I could wire the fixed output from my Rogue preamp to the headphone amp or wire it directly from my Jolida JD100 cdp.  The Jolida has two sets of rca outputs and the Rogue has a set of variable outputs plus a set of fixed outputs.  I'm thinking the fixed outputs from the Rogue might be to hot for the headphone amp to handle.  But hooked up this way allows me to use any source and give me remote volume control.  What do you guys think is the best way to go?
Direct from the pre unless there is a problem. Thinking will not determine that
Well after reading what I wrote let me make a correction.  Going from preamp fixed output would not give me remote preamp volume control.  It would give me source selection though.  I guess I could use the variable preamp out and then have remote volume control.  But I would need to use the output from the headphone amp to go to the power amp.  That doesn't seem like the best path.
The SMSL SH-9 has a remote volume so you could make use of the Rogue’s fixed line out and still have the convenience of a remote.  And it’s not much more expensive than the Asgard.  Best of luck. 
most headphone amps have their own volume attenuation. but few have remotes. so whether you want to use a remote or not, which might depend on how close you sit to the headphone amp, will determine whether you use a variable output from your preamp, or a fixed output. if you use a variable output, this means likely you need to disconnect your preamp to amp interconnects to use the headphones.

make sense?

and your speaker amplifier will be out of the loop when using a headphone amplifier.

in a perfect world your Rogue preamp has a fixed output which you can use into the headphone amp, which has it’s own volume control. that will eliminate any plugging and unplugging interconnects.