Record Cleaner Advice?

The recent refurbishment of my analog front end has me thinking it would be wise to get myself a new-fangled record cleaner.  My old Nitty-Gritty still works, but I'm sure you all have much to tell me about newer, better options.  Advice please!

Not that it matters much, but my front end: SOTA Star Sapphire with new bearing, SME V overhauled by Alfred Kayser in Canada (dismantled, cleaned, new ceramic bearings and shotgun Cardas gold litz cables from cartridge to preamp) and new Audio-Technica ART9XA.  I need clean vinyl!
I have the degritter.  It’s awesome but I’m thinking I need an rcm for pre or post.
Hi! When I was looking for a vinyl cleaner, this article helped me a lot
I crawl Record Doctor VI can safely recommend it, it copes with its task by 10/10

I am almost good to go with my changes being made to Vinyl Cleaning.

Before I go off on this activity.
Can my Math for the Mixtures for the Solutions be assessed for the accuracy.

My 'Cleaned Out' Application Bottles are holding 300ml of Distilled Water. (DiW) when filled to about 85% full.

The Dehyphon LS54 has been worked out using Grams as the 'ml' option seemed impossible to achieve.

The Calculation I used gave Water @    300ml x 0.99802 = 299.40g
299.40g @ 0.025% = 0.075g.
I managed to show a reading of 0.09g of Dehyphon in a Pipette when the Tare for used weighing scale with the Pipette was set to 0.00g.

Does this Calculation I produced seem accurate ? , as there is a small quantity of foam already seen with the mixture produced. 

The Concentrate Cleaner from Amazon Proved a lesser challenge as 13ml, seemed almost on the correct mix for 300ml of (DiW) 

We do not need absolute accuracy so we assume specific gravity of water of 1.0, so 300 mL = 300 g, and 0.025% LS54 = 75 mg. So your math to achieve 0.025%

I not sure how you plan on using the LS54.  The high concentration you prepared 0.025% would be associated with manual cleaning or with a UCM as a pre-clean (para XIV.9.4). But if you are going to use this as final-clean UCM w/o rinse, then the 2nd Ed of my document para XIV.10 shows an LS54 concentration of  BASF™ DEHYPON® LS 54 at 0.0025 to 0.005%.

Otherwise, at the concentration you mixed (+250 ppm), you will get some foam (when agitated) which for manual cleaning is fine and good . As far as working with very small measurements, you can absolutely use weight, or as I address para XIV.7.e you can prepare a 1% solution of LS54 (10 mL/L) and then proportion from that.
Thank You for this reply

I am quite impressed with the Manual Cleaning Method, and will pursue this first.
I do intend on introducing the UCM I own, which is now most likely to be a Final Rinse.

I did miss the information for the 1% Solution - 10ml LS54 per Litre of Distilled Water.
A easier ratio to work with.

I am 90mg of LS54 against the ideal 75mg