Most rooms don’t need acoustical treatment.

Why?  Because acoustical treatments presented are in virtually empty rooms. Unrealistic.

my rooms have furniture and clutter.  These rooms don’t really have a need for treatment.  It’s snake oil, voodoo science.  
So why is accoustical panels gonna help?  No one can answer this, most have no clue.
Thanks, really got me thinkin’, look out.. LOL

Always wanted to be on a build team of a HUGE pipe organ, I’ve seen 3 of the BIG ones. I was a kid and saw the first two overseas.

The organ uses its set of pipes and there are tuning tubes and pipes for the chapels room tuning. Same principal. Perfect solution actually..

Some of the tubes are pretty long 5 stories, start in the basement (bellow room) and finish off at 64 feet. 10,000 tubes, of course there are only two at 64 feet in the world.. US and I think Down under. AU? 

Not quite that big, or that much tinkering, LOL

The organ uses its set of pipes and there are tuning tubes and pipes for the chapels
The important words are "tuning tubes and pipes for the chapels"

It is why i called my Helmholtz-Fibonacci room tuner a "silent organ"...

More powerful than most electronic upgrade.... Acoustic is key audiophile asset, not electronic design.... Any good electronic design will sound good in a controlled room... The differences between pieces of gear will exist even in this room but will be way less impactful than acoustical change...

My second maxin in audio is now:

ONE straw kill or ressuscitate a room....

The first maxim was:

Dont upgrade before embedding everything right

Deep salutations and thanks for the observation....

Junk Science.

Read Helmholtz before writing stupidity without explanation in audio thread....It is no more advanced science now it is simple experiment for children....What is you age?

The good news if you are young, writing your  graffitis on the walls of audio thread, are you could always learn something in the future....The bad news if you are old is: it is too late, go on with your graffitis.... You perhaps will be lucky and some will call that "art" or "thinking".... Not me....
I agree 100% with calloway. I thought I had a "good room". I have the SR Wide angle HFTs, HFTs on my loudspeakers, and the SR Black Box. I have a dedicated (15’ x 22’) room with 9’ ceilings but it has an open back wall to the kitchen and eating area. I sit 8.5’ from my speakers. When I installed two Stillpoints Apertures near the side wall reflection points, I couldn’t believe the improvement. Adding two additional Stillpoints Apertures on the front wall was equally effective. I’ve had friends over that have heard my system before the changes and they can confirm all of this. Believe me, almost all untreated rooms sound terrible.