NOS Tubes - Ecstasy or Agony

I have been running tube amps for many years and have built a number of SETs and other tube amps, kit's mostly.  My main power tubes have been 2A3's and 300bs and I have used mostly new manufacture tubes including JJ's and EML 300b's (great tube btw).  I did use NOS driver tubes and headphone amp tubes.  Never really had a problem.

I just transitioned to a Don Sach's 6sn7 based preamp and McCormack SS power amp.  The preamp is very nice and sounds great with Shugang tubes. Of course, I wanted to try some NOS tubes, went online and did my research.  Now the DS2 is a great preamp, the drawback is it uses 4 6sn7s and so I need to get pairs.  Would  have love to get my hands on the Dehavilland, uses one tube!

First Pair - I ordered some Sylvania's from TC Tubes. Advertised as 50's vintage, ,when I received  them they were marked 60's. Hmmm.  So I tried them and they sounded pretty darn good except after a couple hours one of them developed a high pitched hum, like a florescent bulb. So I sent them back.  

Second Pair - ordered from Brent Jesse - has a good rep online and a really informative website.  Received them and one was dead on arrival, they were also clearly of different construction. So they are going back.

Next will try Andy at Vintage Tubes Services, he also has a solid  reputation so hopefully I can get something that works.

I am curious what experiences others have had. Maybe its COVID, or are these dealers just unreliable, or is just 6sn7's?  Really thought I could just buy some NOS tubes and experiment, I can't even get two to work.

I don't really want to disparage these dealers but I do think all the claims of testing are maybe overblown.
I think NOS tubes are an area where who you're dealing with matters more than anything.  

My experience has been that tubes matter a lot more in a preamp than an amp.  I've had tubes fail in my amps, but I've never experienced a sound quality issue related to a tube in any of my amps.

On the other hand, my Modwright LS100 which also uses 6SN7 tubes will not only reveal the characteristics of the sound quality of any given tube, but also noise and/or microphonics.  I would say that probably 30% of the tubes I've purchased, including some highly touted new ones, have been microphonic or became microphonic after a short period of time or had unacceptable noise issues.

Which goes back to my initial point.  Brent Jessee has been my go-to guy.  For a few bucks extra he will guarantee his tubes (for 2 years I think?).  Whenever I've experienced an issue, he's been great about getting me a replacement, or if he doesn't have one, recommending something different.  I've also had good experiences with the ebay sellers I've bought from, but I make sure that they have 100% feedback and a lot of it. 

I had some issues with a pair of tubes recently and the seller tried a few in his preamp and sent me four to try and told me to keep the two that worked best.  I've had other good experiences with ebay sellers helping me make sure I got a good tube(s) that would work well in my preamp.

As far as buying a pair of NOS tubes that don't exactly match as far as their markings, that is not unusual, at least in my experience, nor does it concern me.  The same tube may have been sold under different brand names.  As long as the tubes themselves are the same and tested and matched, it makes no difference to me. 
I buy my tubes through

NOS and NNS (new new stock) @mapman I am a marketing genius.

Never an issue quality tubes and alway have what I am looking for.

Excellent service and fast shipping. 
Quick update - finally got the tubes from Brent. Latest issue was the package got lost in the big storm so it took them weeks to get here. RCA VT-231s.  Very sweet sound, with a nice balance of bass and sparkle. Definitely more depth and air then the Shuguang's  They have a little hiss but I will give me some time to burn in per Brent's advice.  Definitely takes my system up a level.  I have a pair of Ken Rad's coming so I am interested in hearing those as well.  
If they’re the staggered plate, copper post, bottom gettered K-Rs; they’ll be a tad less warm than the RCAs, with nice sound stage/detail recovery (a quiet tube).        Solid/clean extension on both ends of the spectrum.    Have fun!
I am so glad to have sold some years ago my headphone tube amplifier...With 50 tubes....A basrgain for the man who bought it.... 😊

I had no problem with the tubes tough...Nor with the amp....But i trashed my 7 headphones in a drawer.... My audio regular system work now optimally and beat them all on all count....

I dream now of a tube amplifier where tubes dont make heat at all and enjoy an indefinite life....Nothing else...I dont want to change tubes and gauge them for longevity and steady working...I hate heat in summer....I dream of an ecstay without agony....

I will bought it if i had money on the spot if this kind of tube amplifier exist...

But yes it exist: Berning ZOTL amplifier...

I will never upgrade my Sansui AU 7700, it satisfy me on all count tough.... A low cost dream comes true....

My only other dreamed amplifier is this Zotl one, not for an upgrade, i dont need it, but because it is a revolutionary new tech with tubes and probably an upgrade anyway....

I am going to wait for Santa Claus to listen to my wishes before the world end or before my death.....
