Worst Concerts You Have Attended ??

I just left a remark about a favorite band of mine back in the day - April Wine - that I saw in concert and was disappointed. Could have been that it was an off night for them, or maybe they were never good in concert. Maybe the lead guitarist had too much to drink? April Wine was not the worst, however. I remember Neil Young in the 1990's who was on his one-man acoustic show type of tour that many artists were taking advantage of (perhaps for financial reasons) during that time. While a friend of I had near front row seats at Desert Sky Pavilion (now Ak-Chin) in Pheonix, the crowd was just roused up into a frenzy by the warm-up band (James) and here comes Neil and his guitar/harmonica. Wow, what a sonic letdown. I remember getting up and leaving and feeling Neil's glaring eyes on us as we ushered out. I think, to this day, he probably still remembers me. We all can remember the great live concerts we attended, but what were the worst and why?
Hall and Oates...Just plain horrible a few years back. Luckily...Tears For Fears was touring with them and totally saved the the evening...Thank you TFF!!!
Worst - Dylan with Tom Petty around 1986.  I even recorded it thinking this'll be good.  I never listened to it again.

Best - Queen 1985.  Eric Clapton bad 1983, outstanding around 1990.

"Journey and Deep Purple"

That may be the worst concert pairing I have ever heard of.

Hall and Oates in 2018 was the worst...We walked out after 3 songs....Train was the opening act and they were excellent.....Their sound equipment was excellent, and we were expecting the same from Hall and Oates....I went home and put on a few records that sounded better than the concert live....
Yes, Brighton back in 1980 touring for Drama, boring and without spirit, but spot on on title.