BS Node 2i: WiFi or Ethernet..?

Greetings from snowy Chicago.

My rig:

Bluesound Node 2i
Chord Qutest (with Teddy Pardo LPS)
Belles Soloist 1 int am
Dynaudio Special 40s

I stream Tidal mostly and my router is in the same room as my Node in the basement and I have very strong wifi signal.
But, cant direct connect the Node to network w/o running a 15’ cable.

My question:

- Has anyone heard better SQ results by using ethernet connectivity with Node 2i compared to just using WiFi?
- Am curious if using a wireless "access point" then connecting it to Node 2i via ethernet would sound "better".

Any thoughts or experiences out there?

Honestly not sure whether or not Ethernet beats WiFi. I have a node 2 I only use for radio stations now and it’s hard wired. However, I don’t think there’s any way using a wireless access point could possibly be better than just using the wireless option on the Node. That is, you are still using WiFi  either way. If true Ethernet is better than WiFi you won’t realize it using a wireless access point. 
For what it’s worth. 
Post removed 
rnrmf1971 The Hosa cables I see on Amazon claim to be polarized but aren't.  (They are polarized at the C7 end but the wall plug has equal-sized lugs.)  Is yours actually polarized?  Do you have the link?  Thanks!
Ethernet. Check Blue Jeans cables for cat6 cables. Well priced, and actually tested, with throughput results. My Node sits 3ft from my hub, there is no question wired is better than WiFi...
Honestly not sure whether or not Ethernet beats WiFi. I have a node 2 I only use for radio stations now and it’s hard wired. However, I don’t think there’s any way using a wireless access point could possibly be better than just using the wireless option on the Node. That is, you are still using WiFi either way. If true Ethernet is better than WiFi you won’t realize it using a wireless access point. For what it’s worth.
i think there is a serious dose of reality/truth in the above post by @feldmen4

running an ethernet jack from an extender that in turn uses wireless to extend there - is that ethernet or wifi... let’s not kid ourselves

or you use a wall socket extender to get the ethernet jack there from your router using household ac lines... what additional crap are you loading into the ac lines going that route?