Why wont speaker companies publish their measurements?

It's not ok to assess the quality of a speaker just by listening to it. Most listeners are not trained. They dont have the skills or knowledge of an expert like me to know what the hell they are listening for. There are too many other variables that affect the sound quality such as room acoustics, source material, amp quality, hearing loss, preference etc. For all these reasons, we MUST rely on speaker measurements ALONE when deciding how good a speaker is. 

The problem is however that the wretched speaker companies WONT DO IT! They just will not publish their measurements. 

Are they embarrassed? Are they hiding it? Do they even have the measurements? Worried they wont match if somebody else does the measurements?

Speaker companies cannot claim that their speaker is superior to a competitors speaker since neither of them will publish their measurements. As a result the claims are uncorroborated HOGWASH. Despite this, there is intense competition among the speaker companies. There is a WAR going on out there and its a war that cannot be won!

The only way to separate the wheat from the chaff is to examine the measurements. Until that happens nobody has the right to claim that one speaker is better than another. Nobody knows which speakers are better than others. Until the day comes when they will publish the data, its all just hearsay and opinions.

If you want to be a first rate audiophile, do not settle for anything less than the TRUTH. We deserve it.

Of course manufacturers have the equipment and measure their speakers, in many cases exhaustively, in the privacy of their own premises.

But If manufacturers published measurements you can bet they will be falsified or taken under optimum or artificial conditions.  So there would no, indeed negative, purpose to it.

Almost every speaker company publishes sensitivity figures and almost all exaggerate, some by up to 5dB.

Most companies are dishonest these days.  Think Volkswagen pollution, all car companies miles per gallon tests, the banks and insurance companies, inflammable building cladding in the UK, etc etc.

Best just to let John Atkinson do it.  And I doubt the equipment he uses costs more than $1,000 or so.  Including the 'cheap plastic tape accelerometer' that reveals cabinet resonances.
Totally agree.  Simply buy Magnepan speakers and you will never need to measure anything again.

You have the best, once and for all!

New on forums, but not new to reading some of OP’s posts and not new to dealing with terminal narcissism. Note to all responders to OP: Narcissists care not if attention is negative or positive as long as they get attention. I am only posting for the responders lest you think I’ve fallen for the OP’s troll centric ploy.