Klipsch Cornwall Equivalent?

Is the an equivalent to the Klipsch Cornwalls that would be most cost friendly, used or new?
Elmo, I can find you a pair of the Altec Valencia's in good shape for around $1k, if you are interested. With shipping, might be a bit more though.
Anyone hear the Klipsch, Volti, or Altec, that care to offer an opinion. I own Valencia’s with a German Werner Jagusch crossover...haven’t heard them stock for a while. Very well balanced top to bottom. Not deep bass, but sounds complete and never lacking for my taste. No horn coloration or shout that I can detect. 18 wpc Parallel Single ended Shindo 300B drives these effortlessly. I’ve been in this hobby for a while, and have been content with the Shindo/Altec for some time, but I admit these other speakers interest me. Interesting you mention the Volti drumnman2...they have caught my attention as well. As far as the Klipsch Corn IV’s, I have heard them twice at my local dealer. One day with a Carver tube amp, the other with a Grandinote Shinai. They sounded much better with the latter, which was solid state. I don’t make much out of either listen, as they were brief, and with unfamiliar recordings.

on your brief listen of the Cornwall IV do they peak your interest or just more hype?