Reed 2gTonearm Torn Wire & rewiring HELP please

I have unfortunately torn my Reed 2g tonearm cable at the proximal end where it plugs in - I was unable to remove the cable from where it plugs in to the main central part of the arm - it seems to go into a piece of stainless steel but I was unable to move this, slipped and snapped the wire . Anyone know how the cable is removed at that end?
As it was I received the tonenarm assembled so I did not see how this went together
The second question is how do you insert the cable at teh proximal end as it goes in through a very small hole this something that only Reed can do?
To clarify for everyone I did not sever the cable where it comes out of the wand at either end.The cable was severed at its distal end where it enters the junction box for the phono/ RCA connector cable.
Apologies for the medical terms but I am unable to come up with better descriptors.
@thaluza  thank you for the referral to Ruta- she has been very helpful and I am now sending the arm back to Reed.
You're welcome. I will check in on this thread to see how your repair went and I will let you know how mine went too.