EMM Labs AS Optimism emm.

I used the EMM labs CDSD with DCC2 and Aural Symphonics
Optimism emm.

In rear CDSD which position used INT? or EXT? or Both?
When used the EXT the Blue light of the CDSD come OFF.
When used the INT the Blue light of the CDSD come ONE play the music with NOISE in the Speakers, the NOISE desapear after push ON in EXT CLOCK of the front panel DCC2.

The manual of the CDSD when used the Optical connection with three optical need used in the rear CDSD External Clock (EXT).

Thank you for your help, and Happy New for ALL.
Razen -- not so fast!!

You're expected to provide a lengthy, detailed report on the sonic affects of the new AS cable. Otherwise, your future inquires may be looked upon with courteous disdain ;~))