Why do people care what their speaker wants?

Or amp. Or DAC, pre-amp, or whatever. Fill in the blank. Why does anyone care? Are speakers so haughty they get all moody and pouty if you don't give them what they want? I thought the whole point was to have a system that sounds the way we want it to sound? So why all the people asking what goes with what? What do they care? Why?

     If the speakers aren't ported, it's not so bad. At least you won't get any unexpected mini-monitors running around.


     Hey, if you get liquored up, get a bit randy and consummate your relationship with your young and pretty ported speakers, I believe it would be called a speaker hookup.....with a very small gauge connector.  Ka-boom.
     And remember, don't even think of using the speaker's rear port without absolutely clear and mutual consent.  I also  definitely suggest you don't use your old creepy guy strategy of 'it's better to ask for forgiveness than permission', women hate that.

I agree with MC that a lot of people are not getting to the point or being detailed enough to get the right advise. On the other hand we do not need to respond. Maybe their could be a list of questions answered before a question is posted. This can be a very expensive hobby. Some just want the sound, some want the ultimate equipment or both. I consider myself an equipment and music audiophile. If we make a mistake on equipment it can be costly. Costly depends on the individual. $100 mistake can make or break someone but for others it’s what is spent on a meal. Regardless of what I am interested in I always help people when I can. It’s the right thing to do if you have the time, knowledge, and means. Now and in the near future money will get tighter and tighter. Hopefully there will be people like us to help people in need with the hobby we all love. 
Their are a lot of speakers that do not play all types of music it is the rare one that does so yes most just sound awful if not set up and played correctly in their comfort zone but like i said their are speakers out there that do not have a comfort zone but they are always the biggest and ugliest ones out there you cannot defy the laws of physics. Think of an engine would you drag race with a small 4 cylinder or would you want the 572 hemi.