Raven Audio SC

I received my pair of these speaker cables today and they’re a lot better than I expected. Very neutral and lots of detail, good decay, good bass detail (more mid-bass/bass detail than my AE NV-SP9s tbh), a little blooming but they’ve only been running for a few hours. 

Out of curiosity, has anyone else tried these and been disappointed or liked another brand’s sc better that they’d recommend? Let’s say nothing past $1500. 

Hi Lak,

I appreciate the call out for Silversmith. I actually bought Jeff’s cables a couple months ago. They’re fantastic!

I’ve become a bit of a cable collector as it were. 
The Fidelium do things in the bass that I’ve never heard before- lots of detail, layers of bass and a decay of string instruments and piano that is really one of a kind from my limited cable listening.

Raven has more glistening highs and a strong bass response. From my listening, if you have a pair of stand mounts in a small room, these would almost eliminate the need for a sub. Please don’t misunderstand me on that, it’s just extremely solid bass, more emphasis than normal but it’s enjoyable for me.

 If I go back to The Sound Advocate review of Fidelium it’s a very unique conveying of bass.  It’s absurdly even across the spectrum. These are really special cables. 
I also have a very modest system. Jeff’s cables are around as much as I want to spend. My amp and speakers are very resolving to recording quality, but I don’t really have the need or the funds for that matter to get the higher end cables from Shunyata, Cardas, Kimber, Purist, Transparent etc etc, so if Fidelium is competitive with those, I’ll have to take the different reviewers’ word.

Raven though has really surprised me. A 2 meter pair for less than $200 and just beating some cables I’ve had that are 2-3 times more expensive and well regarded.

There’s others that I haven’t heard like Black Cat, Sound String, or Dynamique that are supposed to also punch way above their weight, but Raven was pretty easy to access and so cheap that I didn’t even need to think about budgeting for it.
Just saw your post and was curious if you are still happy with your Soniquil cables?  I currently have Audioquest speaker cables, and had been considering AE cables. I have a Raven amp I love. If their cables offer as much bang for the buck as their amps do, I'm interested!
It’s very good bang for the buck. I’ve found that the synergy with their power cable really offers great separation and fills in the mid range since the bass is more dominant with just the SC alone.