I am very happy with my progress to this point.

I had a rough time getting started with a system that would provide the performance that I was looking for at a price that I could afford.
I do not have a ideal room at this point, but have found the perfect chair that alows me to listen for extended periods of time. I have been very pleased with the results to this point and have settled on an Odyssey amplifier that has plenty of clean power it is matched with a budget Odyssey preamp that was needed to get the notes flowing.
I have a Denon DCD-3520 cd player that can be used as a transport via tha oprical out. I do not have any information other than it is a 20 bit super linear converter (not sure what that means) but it was free at the storage unit I rented, the previous owner left it behing. It is a tank and I am not sure what I should do with it at this point.
I also have a Pioneer Dv-578a-S universal player. I have not had a chance to listen much, but it came very highly recomended and I picked it up for about $70 on closeout at CC.
So i only have about $70 in source at this point and would like to catch any suggestions of what to do next. I have been told that a external DAC w/ and external power supply would make a big differance or a jitterbug.
I want to keep this as simple as i can with the most lifelike music. A big week spot is the IC and speaker wire that I have. About $40 worth in wires with little room to move up. Any suggestions?

Is there a good cheap way to play with tubes?

Odyssey Khartago
Odyssey etesian
Denon or Pioneer CD
Chapman T-7 Speakers
I use a modified Pioneer 578A as a transport.I can honestly say without a doubt it is rock solid in that area. I had other players that were quite a bit more expensive. The Pioneer's transport is where it's at. You need a DAC,one with a good power supply. The difference want be subtle either. You have good gear..you'll notice the difference as soon as you plug it up.

The bass will be stronger and more defined.Instruments will have their own space. It will be much easier to discern the layers in the stage and shakes of the individual disc of a tambourine. There will be more of a dynamic contrast in the music from the quietest passages to the building climaxes.
Audio mirror DAC is super sweet and higher rated than most, its tube, check my system, it has the khartago's
i have found bigger differences with amps than with cd players. yes, different players and dacs can help, but amps make a bigger difference.

i have a anthem amp one which puts out 40-55 watts a channel, uses inexpensive tubes, is very well made (in canada, not china) with 4 ohm taps in black for $500. very nice sounding el 34 pp with solid bass. don't think it's any better than then oddyssey? send it back david sundby
