What is the Silliest Accessory You Have Ever Seen.

I was flipping through the accessory pages at the Cable Company and came up with this https://www.thecableco.com/hallograph.html You have to be kidding me. Of all the dumb, idiotic, profoundly stupid things I have ever seen. The marketing is even better! Have you seen anything worse! It is up to us to uncover these things for what they are, SCAMS.

Cranial Coupling - three tip toes place under the headband of your favorite headphones. Points down of course :-)
MC....you pick on people every day like it’s some kind of an exercise regimen. I’ve never seen a better example of the pot calling the kettle black! You make everyone on edge whenever you show up in a thread, how you conduct yourself is what’s shameful. Why can’t you just chill out?
This is a dangerous game to play.  One man's meat is another man's poison, and all that jazz.  There are lots of add on gadgets being sold to audiophiles that have no discernible scientific justification, but inevitably there will be some who swear by this or that, and who is to say they are not hearing the benefit they say they are hearing?  Not I, except when I just can't stand the chicanery.  The response to criticism or incredulousness is inevitably of the "don't knock it if you haven't tried it" type.  So, I am not going to write what I think.
I’ve read before that a listening seat back shouldn’t be above your shoulders, lower seat backs provide a better listening experience. Yet, I have seen a 2 channel listening chair, sea shell kinda, that appeared to come up mid head.

I can't see that do much for the sound other than cause reflections.