Ceramic fuses

Gday, Im looking at purchasing some ceramic fuses for my Primaluna gear. 
The question I have, would  a gold plated or rhodium plated fuse be the way to go? If so, which would be the better choice? 
Any information or help, would be appreciated. 
Cheers Ricey

Merry Christmas, everyone
audio2design...You got me. What I have been hiding is that I own all of the fuse companies. You people who think you hear an improvement with my ridiculously overpriced products have been bamboozled. And you have made me a 1%er. Thank you. Are you happy now that you have exposed me?
I have nothing to hide, not about fuses anyway. Again, I feel people should be allowed to make their own decisions about whether or not they want to buy expensive fuses, cables, or whatever. Providing information is great, if it's done without accusing people of being gullible or idiots if they don't follow your advice. I am not saying you are one of the posters who engages in such behavior. I feel we can be more civil when discussing these things.
I try not to use such terms cal91, but I am sure I have done it before, and given the abuse that one gets here, I am pretty certain I would have thrown that back at someone.

However, what I will bring up is expectation bias, sighted bias, etc. as I know, not just think, know they are real. I have fallen prey to it. I have seen many fall prey to it.

I would also never say that someone should be prevented from buying anything (well unless they owe others money and are not paying it back then I may change my mind). Unlike someone else, I would never insist that all threads of a certain type be closed. It is a very rare instance where censorship is the answer. I must say though, the behavior of some here really does make you question whether they are paid shills. It is a bit bizarre their level of promotion.
audio2design...OK, I'm good with what you wrote. It is hard to stay silent when certain people start calling you names. I've been called a Marxist and Socialist and a few other things I've forgotten. I hit back, regretted it, and promised myself I wouldn't stoop to that level again. Now I just laugh it off. It's not worth getting upset about.
It's funny that George can get everyone onto a "paid shill" conspiracy theory when he's in all the preamp and dac threads talking about how everyone who likes active preamps is ignorant. Of course he manufactures and sells a passive pre.

Would be nice to have a thread or two on this site where people didn't end up attacking each other. 

For members that wish to know the truth, on fuses etc
Just change the fuse if old for a quality brand EE industry standard 50c fuse, as fuses (even the snake oil ones) do age after many turn on cycle surges.
Quick blow fuses aging          and                    slow blow fuses aging left to right.
https://ibb.co/0ZtRv4J                                     https://ibb.co/mbzs3RK
As for the wires yes too those also, especially to the ones serving the big current supply to those tube heaters, they now will also be getting blackened and getting hard under the insulation, as well as the where each end terminates. And yes they definitely could put in new $1 Bussman or Little fuses, as the old fuses would have seen some "massive turn on surges" and their holders
A perfect example of this


And the base section inside the amp, of those external bayonet 1/2 turn fuse screw in ones

Cheers George