McIntosh vs Accuphase?

Right now I'm using a Marantz PM-11S1 w/ Monitor Audio Gold floor standers. I'm a big fan of Marantz reference gear and their smooth yet detailed warmth. That said, I'm looking to get an integrated for my bedroom setup with a built-in DAC (no room for separates), which nixes something like the PM-KI Ruby. Looks to me like the McIntosh MA5300 / 7200 or Accuphase E-280 / E-380 fit the bill. I'm not really interested in Hegel or Rotel based on their aesthetics. I kind of like the idea of VU meters as well. So the question is, between the two McIntosh integrated or the Accuphase, what's my play? I'm located in the US so that's two points for Mc (pricing and service). But the Accuphase stuff looks to have much higher quality components, design, and build quality. Though for the price of the E-280 w/ option boards I could get a MA7200 and have spare change. Hmm...

"the mac is sold in magnolia. big difference. you just happened to leave out a detail. r u associated with msnbc or cnn? they leave out the details also."
I have no idea what CNN or MSNBC have to do with McIntosh being sold at Best Buy stores, but so be it. I am not associated with either of them anyway.

If you walk into some of the Best Buy stores, somewhere in the back may be a separate room with McIntosh and other more expensive gear. In all I have been to, you have to check Best Buy store opening hours and walk past computers, refrigerators, cell phones, and whatever else usual Best Buy store has on offer.

I understand you might have not left those facts out of your comment on purpose. We all learn every day.

Check out Magnolia AV website for details so I do not leave any out (link is copied from dealer locator)...

  • Best Buy purchased Magnolia Hi-Fi in Dec. 2000, closing down the company’s physical locations and integrating the audio and video retailer directly into Best Buy showrooms.
Top 3 Companies Owned by Best Buy (BBY) (

Accuphase and Mac shouldn’t be in the same thread, sorry Mac guys. Accuphase is superior in literally all respects. 
I would not buy McInotsh, neither Accuphase. In the simmilar budget you can buy Ear Yoshino 868 + 509. For a couple of bucks more you can do even better and buy Atma Sphere system (made in USA) which will outperform almost anything else. Both systems will be more pleasing to the eye than Accuphase and you will have also a much better sound. I have recently compared Atma Sphere MA-1 to Accuphase in Quad ESL based system, and the verdict was instant and obvious: Atma Sphere was much better in every aspect. But, if you have to choose between Accuphase and McInotsh for any possible reason, then you should go for Accuphase.
Go with Accuphase. Luxman here being toss around a lot because of lower pricing in USA otherwise Accuphase is a superior product both in sound and build quality, IMHO.
I guess you guys know that Accuphase is sold much cheaper in Japan than the US and Europe, in Japan they compete with the other big brands like the upper series of Denon, Sony and the like.
what makes Accuphase special, is that they are still privately owned and their products has always been first class in quality.
Now if one likes the design or their sound signature is a totally different matter, each to their own I guess