Preliminary DIY Grounding Box Result

I live in a big, downtown high rise building. Our grounding is crap. I just took a 12 awg sliver stranded wire and stripped both ends. One end went straight into the center of a 3 pound bag of magnetite, and the other stripped end was wrapped around a spare coax rca input (outside negative) on my DAC.

Result: Highly noticeable "analogue-ing" of the sound, along with more dramatically more pronounced soundstaging. Space between the instruments seems like it tripled. Smoother, detailed highs and warmer, dynamic vocals.

I have some quartz coming and will mix it in. Plus I’ll run to other components and report back. Just wanted to try this for a quick test.
Tomask6? How did the quartz work out for you? I have picked out eleven different mineral elements. Each chosen for it's properties in relation to a, "Possible", interaction with the surrounding area's ambient and, "static", fields of charge. I have several varieties of quartz now. Sized into different mediums. Tourmaline also.
 According to this very nice gypsy lady I met this week...
Quote; Pink Tourmaline is a crown chakra stone, and Blue Tourmaline is a throat and third eye chakra stone. Black Tourmaline is an effective blocker of negative vibrations and psychic attacks. It’s a highly protective stone that will pick up on any disharmony in your environment. It will transform this disharmony into peace and serenity.
    Ha ha ha ha, not real sure that I'll incorporate any of, "That", into what I am attempting to do here. This is all just a.shot in the dark right now to me. "Right now". But too many people are hearing a difference to discount it completely.  I was looking at a, "Nordost", ground box earlier. Those have an aluminum case.
 I built two from Rock Maple, 10" x 16" x 9" deep. One I shielded and damped in several layers just to see if any isolation will make a difference. "I'll measure everything against my baseline  Which is a rig in the next room. The second box is I lined with some 3/4" Red Cedar only. That should help with any critters piggybacking in on my synthetic dirt! And give me another box to measure against the first one. The wire topology will be the same in both.  As a control.
Does anyone here, "have" some type of this "Ground box" as they call it, device already? And maybe willing to share their experiences with it?  And if so Have you/they ever tried to see a difference not in sound. But say, In the resistance across the end leads of the wire. Before any wire enters the box. And then across the leads from the connection at the ground box itself entering it. and again where it exits the box? Or maybe looking at the information moving through the wire, "Again in the same two exact area's". With a scope, Oscilloscope or other instrument of measurement. Along with maybe a tone generator?
OR any other type of measurement, reading ect.? Which may be of help?
 I have a plethora of equipment at my disposal and will measure, test and read myself. But I was just wondering if someone has any info that could save me some, headaches/dead-ends etc??
Ok, Both "boxes" are now insulated, damped, double/ triple shielded.   
With all sides bonded including the top.
Shielding is achieved with aluminum and copper foils bonded with copper wire. Electrodes will be 1/4" thick, 2 x 6" pure copper bus bars. Which will be held aloft into the center of the mineral mediums by ceramic insulators 3" tall inside each box. Bus bar bonded back to the outside of the case with WBT copper binding posts. Mech. welds are used for all bonds. 12awg silver plated copper used for all wiring.

All minerals listed on the earlier posts soon to be added to the interiors with the addition of a mineral named, "Shungite", a known source of "Fullerenes". The known natural construct with the property of superconductivity. Which fits in nicely with the other minerals and their own odd, "Stasis charge" qualities of a very positive photonic nature.

I plan to induce a polarity with niobium magnets. We'll see!

Can anyone else see the virtual construct this seems to be leading itself into? A copy of something much larger. With "Hyperreactive" strata condensed into a very small package.
There is a "Box" from England that has a circuit which "fools" shortwave radio EQ into working as grounded when in fact there  is "No" actual ground. Developed for enhancing the signal quality available to people relegated in that hobby to "Odd" set-up area's. There are a few video's on "Youtube" about it with this, "Circuit". They linked an address as well for a schematic of the circuit. "Which I downloaded but have yet to really investigate asn to what that circuit should actually do". I have now looked "Inside", a couple of different "Grounding boxes". They have had basically the same interior set-up with a foil or thicker metal, "V" inside.  Some had metal plates behind the "V". Some had several of the plates. One had two copper rods behind that, "V".
  One had what I believe is a "Capacitor bank" as well inside. but at the time I did not have anything on me to test it with. These were the size of "Soup cans". And with the leads set-up the same as the average catalytic cap you see in most amps.
One used a foil made from silver as the "V". The rest were Cu.
One ,"V" was even a "Grounding Bus Bar" that looked like it had been placed into a vise at the half-way point and then, "Beaten" with a maul until the, "V" shape they apparently wanted was achieved!  
  All had varied amounts of a black mineral. Some had the mineral in plastic bags. Some were simply loose inside the boxes interior filling it.
And that is where I am currently at. 
In shortwave radio and broadcast AM radio, part of the signal travels thru Planet Earth. So a stake in the garden acts as part of the antenna. When a path to Planet Earth is not accessible, a 'counterpoise' is sometimes used. It would be an arrangement of wires or metal objects to act like Earth.
An all metal water pipe system is a much better 'ground' than a stake in the garden. But many cities are replacing metal with plastic, same goes for inside homes.