*WHITE PAPER* The Sound of Music - How & Why the Speaker Cable Matters


I’ve spent a sizeable amount of the last year putting together this white paper: The Sound of Music and Error in Your Speaker Cables

Yes, I’ve done it for all the naysayers but mainly for all the cable advocates that know how you connect your separates determines the level of accuracy you can part from your system.

I’ve often theorized what is happening but now, here is some proof of what we are indeed hearing in speaker cables caused by the mismatch between the characteristic impedance of the speaker cable and the loudspeaker impedance.

I’ve included the circuit so you can build and test this out for yourselves.

Let the fun begin

Max Townshend 

Townshend Audio

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The main reason for the test in the first place was to find a simple measurement that quantified the difference between different geometries. The easiest way is to see what the voltage drop was across a single conductor. There is no sleight of hand or skullduggery going on here. I am an engineer and engineers only work with the truth, because everyone can see when your bridge falls down. (doctors bury their mistakes, lawyers suggest better luck next time, accountants can come up with any figures they like). What fascinates me, is the imagination of the trolls who don't want to know.

I know there is a difference between cables and the is not down to a slight frequency variation at 20kHz, there is something more going on and I have tried to identify it.

Please participate in the Zoom call at 6 PM GMT 5 Dec 2020. Details to follow.

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