Harbeth P3ESR vs the new XD

Has anyone compare the two as heard the old one and stores only have xd now. What is main difference in sound. One guy said they prefer original! Thanks!
Ok - visit your local Harbeth dealer and take a look at the New "IMPROVED" XD line - cheap manufacturing, really cheap looking and feeling to touch veneers, no more engraved plates but rather white stickers!!! $500 Quads from China has a better finish than whole XD line....did I mention MAJOR price increase in US???? Harbeth became a total joke in my eyes...terribly overpriced and overhyped.

If you really want pair, get Anniversary edition - they are discontinued BUT some dealers still might have a pair or two....as for difference in sound - NONE!!!!!
I own 40.2 Anniversary and my local dealer is a friend of mine so I had a chance to hear all models from XD line.....the whole change was done to charge EVEN more for same speaker - Alan is a BRILLIANT business man!
Sounds like Harbeth has a great marketing department!  Ground-Breaking!  Wow. 

I love my P3ESR SE.  And my Super SHL 5 Plus 40th Anniversary.  I'm sure they could be improved on, but both are already fantastic speakers.
Well, the sales have been much higher with these improvements. Why dont you call the distrubitor and ask him..rather then posting here. I dont care if you buy them or not. But, if sales are higher and the improvements were based on what customers wsnted..id say its a good move for them. If you prefer, im sure others can give you 75 different speakers. As to marketing from them..thats what this hobby and most things are about...getting you excited. Are we in the 1970s ?? 
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