I have seen the Future and it is Kalaidasape


Just saw a Kalaidascape(sp?). Excellent picture quality, including an HD clip. This is ready for prime time. When higher resolution content comes, this will be a killer. If it ever gets it's audio act together, say goodby to transports, dacs etc. I can foresee the day when combined with say a Meridian processor, it will be our content provider. The salesman was saying how Meridian MLP is part of both high def DVD camps, and that this has a good chance of becoming the new hires audio format. I was very sceptical, until I read the same thing in the latest Perfect Vision. Of course, it's still very pricy, but not when compared to my Meitner? ARC Ref3 stack.

David Shapiro
I heard they were already selling a black marker to write on the edge of the hard disk drive platters that actually reduces read errors... and dramatically increases the audio performance of the system.
>Of course, it starts at $22,000.<

I don't think it will be in MY future.....

In the year 2020.........
Kaleidoscope who????
I know it’s still around but not that common.
Well, certainly prophetic words to the loss of transports.
I am sure the Kaleidoscope system is even cheaper now?