Warm romantic & detailed

Good morning Gentlemen & ladies... 

I'm just starting to toy with idea of replacing my Focal 1038's... No matter how I treat my room, or what equipment I throw at it I just can't seem to tame the harsh highs on this speaker. 

I'd like to stay in the same price range of the Electra's (7/8k), I don't mind buying used, the musts for me at this point are: Warm, romantic, yet detailed... It would be beautiful to just sit and listen and not have ear fatigue after 15 minutes of listening. 

Can you please recommend something? 
I have Maggie 3.7i's.  They come shipped with a resistor to tame the high's.  There are many that feel they have a glare or grain and I will agree that they can sound fatiguing, and were initially ( I had 1.7i's and the 3.7i's are definitely smoother).
I have gradually upgraded my electronics to the point the Maggies are now warm romantic and detailed.  Most recently upgraded to an Allnic L-7000 from an L-3000.  While the 3000 was spectacular the 7000 washed away the last bit of grain.  
Sold the L-3000 to an owner of an L1500.  I told him one difference going from the L3000 to the L-7000 was that you don't notice the high frequency's, if you listen they are there but they don't call for attention.  The buyer said he noticed the same thing going from the L-1500 to the L-3000.
Don't forget to evaluate the electronics, they can be a part of the problem or the solution.
+1 on Tannoy Turnberry. I pair them with tubes. You’ll be off the speaker-go-round. 
Also, +1 on Sonus Faber. I have some “Vintage” Electa Amators. 
These speakers sound very different but both are warm (natural), inviting, and zero listening fatigue. And the soundstage and imaging of both.... wow. 
I have a long love for electrostats and planers. I have a pair of the Maggie 1.7s. in a medium sized room (14'W x 27'D with a 8'-10' cathedral ceiling). At first I found them to be a bit bright and used a 1ohm resistor in place of the original solid jumper on ea. speaker. After hanging acoustic drapes across the wall behind and carpeted flooring I found that I could go back to the solid jumpers. After a good deal of detail to set up and placement, I am completely amazed at how incredible they sound - a large deep stage with a perfect balance of detail, musicality and imaging.  Unlike some who say the Maggies have a very limited sweet spot - my set up does not. Wether the listener is standing or setting, in center or either side of center the stage remains large and rock solid, with vocals and instruments staying firmly planted, where they belong. I can imagine how great the larger 3.7i could sound when properly set up.

Regardless of wether you choose box or planers, as others have suggested, moving your seating location in to about 8-10 ft. and doing a bit of experimenting with placement and positioning (sometimes as little as 1/2 " one way or the other) can make a huge difference in how they sound.

Best of luck Jim