Why don't speaker companies reveal the flaws in their designs?

Is it because they want to hide the flaws so that consumers focus only on the good aspects in order to maximize the chances of selling the product?
Is it because of ignorance?
Is it sheer arrogance that they simply refuse to believe that their speaker designs can be anything less than PERFECT?
Why doesn’t Mr Magico come on this forum and explain to us, ALL the nasty problems about his speaker designs? I am quite happy to accept the possibility that his speakers are PERFECT however I doubt they are since nothing is PERFECT.
I challenge Wilson Audio and Rockport to come here and tell me EXACTLY what improvements need to be made to their existing designs in order to ELEVATE the sound quality to a higher level. The challenge has been presented and the ball is in your court.

By Jove!

(Winner of the most fastidious audiophile award 2020)
53 threads started
9 remain after deletion

and you still don’t get it.
The horse is dead and the drum head is worn out....but just keeps on beating away.