Put that in your pipe(s) and smoke it

I'll say it again: let's seek out the gem's and leave the rest, folks. Ignore the trolls, or be selective of the actual content they bring up - should you choose to reply; it may even hold an unexpected, worthwhile observation or two on a subject that could put into perspective our endeavors here.

More importantly, if we want this forum to allow for free speech and a degree of resilience, some around here should reconsider their liberal urge to hit the 'report' button, because that's the thing that truly annoys me and what I'd call the real trolls around here: the one's feeling offended on grounds I imagine to be so relative to their own agenda, indeed petty in nature, that their reporting a post or thread is likely to see no further inquiry by the admins and is therefore, simply by virtue of being a report alone, put into effect as an actual deletion.

We should be able to hold a conversation without someone feeling taken aback over what is, in the bigger scheme of things, insignificant issues. If not it's an ongoing, sad tendency to shut the mouths of those we don't agree with, or for some other flimsy reason don't like. 
What some people call political correctness is to others simply showing compassion and understanding for their fellow humans. Why do some people feel their rights are being trampled because it's no longer acceptable to call people of color and people with physical disabilities the nicknames that have been used in the past? What's wrong with referring to or addressing them in the way they prefer? Political correctness is simply being a decent person.
There’s nothing wrong with expecting people to be decent to each other. But it’s another thing to invite the thought police.
Again, I have never reported anyone and have no intention of ever doing so. But as another poster has pointed out, freedom of speech is not absolute. While nobody on these forums is shouting fire in a crowded theater, there are a lot of personal attacks and name calling. I've been called a Marxist among other things. I just find it silly, but what should be the response to personal attacks? Let it go? Delete the posts of those not playing by the rules? There are rules, right? And if there are, by posting on these forums haven't we agreed to abide by the rules? I believe some posts should be deleted, but that means you're letting a person decide, who might have an agenda of their own, and delete only the posts that don't conform to their personal politics. To keep this from turning into a book I'll just say we should all try to show respect, and call out the posters who have shown they can't play nice with their fellow posters.
Nothing in this forum has anything to do with your first amendment right of speech which only applies to government action. If you're not being tossed in jail or fined by the state for your audiogon posts then relax. You can even yell fire in a crowded theater , if it's on fire.  This is a private forum open to members and the moderators can police it how they see fit. If you don't like it you do have the constitutional right to leave. The biggest problem isn't thought police or slippery slopes but people who haven't the foggiest idea what the constitution guarantees in relation to enumerated rights.