Replacing Amp Caps

I am currently trying to replace the caps in my Bedini 100/100 amp and I am having quite the time trying to find a replacement that will work. I am hoping that someone with more knowledge can give me direction on which way I can go. The amp recently stopped outputting a signal and after all the usual internal checks, with an amp as old as this, cap replacement should be on the list of things to do.

The values and associated numbers on the OEM caps are as follows:

National Cap


+22000MFD 65VDC

85C USA 8137


Screw Terminals



Apparently 65VDC caps are something in the distance pass, of the possible replacement values is either 63V or 70V
is there a rule of thumb of which direction this value can go? Since it is for an amp, is there a brand/style I should be looking at? I can find little to no information on National Cap, do I assume they are no longer in business and move to another brand?

I have been searching for five days and fully understand I am out of my element and looking for all the help I can getand open to all suggestions.


On their site, I found two possibilities for Chemi-Cons, both at 80v

 22,000 E32D800HPN223MD79M 2.500 x 3.125 D79 10.6 16.52

33,000 E32D800HPN333MDA5M 2.500 x 4.125 DA5 7.6 22.84

Now I am raising both values, uF & VDC for the taller cap which is real close to what it is replacing.

Not a big fan of the mounting stud, as I have the holders still in unit. If there is no issue raising the uF by that much it is a consideration.

Good choice?

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Dannad, I cannot see you simulation, but load and not the source should be a constant current.  Because capacitor voltage is pretty constant you can just use resistor as the load.
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