Audio Aero Prima 24/192 Mk II cd player......

I would like to have some opinions on this cd player .....

Your comments are appreciated.

Bluebull, I have owned the Prima and have compared it at lenght to many other good players and DAC's. Check my feedback and see I am a long time and active audiofool.

My system (systems) were well matched and good for comparing various front ends. We all have opinions to be sure. We all have a sonic personality we like and thus we are all right.

I can honestly (IMHO) say the Prima is not the best in its price class as several other players in my home were better and by a good margin. I found it tilted up sounding and in the end fatiguing to my ears. Yes, a little forward and a little less body then I like. I like meat with my potatoes.
The Prima needs more meat and balance top to bottom. Perhaps the lack of meat made the sound seem tilted up or forward.

It is a very good player and my comments are about degrees of performance only. A used Opus 21 is better in every sonic way. I found the Cary 308T to have better dynamics, more meat/body and it is less money used or new.The Metronome CD players and DAC's are also better performers. I owned the C20 Signature DAC and that bested the Cary and Prima and reaaly gave the Opus 21 a run for the money. The older Metronome tubed Signature players can be had for a song used and they are wonderful sounding.

My current Muse Thalia CD/DVD player also bests the Prima from top to bottom. It is not tubed, but has XLR and no need for a preamp if you want. $1000 used on Agon.

I had the AA Capitole Signature version in my home two months ago and it is the finest player I have heard. That unit has meat, body, detail, huge stage - everything! The Prima is not 80-90% as good. They have very different sound and share only the company name.

Make sure you get a trial period if you go for the Prima.

Bluebull, don't get nervous about what Bill is saying. It is all, down that audio highway, very subjective. The best advice he gave you? Listen before you purchase. I feel very different about the Prima, though I haven't heard the variety of cdps he has, in the same rig. I'm a tough sell, but the Prima delivers in my system. The others may deliver as well. Perhaps more, but I'm satisfied for this hobby, everything is temporary....for now, I'm good. You got quite a high class problem choosing from the above list of cdps that have been mentioned.
Grannyring, that is a very astute and honest appraisal. Your findings are very similiar to mine. If you have a chance to hear the Canary you will find it better balanced than the Prima plus the bottom end is far more solid. It is one of the finest players at its' price point. My only complaint is lack of full functions on the remote. However the same can be said of the Prima and others in this price range.
Stan, I asked of you for specific info about your experiences. You gave me nothing but circumlocution. Now, Bill gives an astute, cogent response, and you jump on it. Your experiences are the same? Give me a break. Who are you fooling here?
Man Warren, I have never seen you foaming at the mouth before. :) All this subjective talk doesn't amount to a hill of beans anyway. We love our Primas and that's that so don't worry about the others.