Best "Bang for the Buck" you have owned?

Yes, the CJ ART, various Audio Research were all great...but I do remember lower priced items that gave much pleasure for their price.

In no order, The Large Advent,  DQ-10, Nakamichi SR receivers,  inexpensive Nordost cables, many tuners giving good vibes vis "FREE" music.  Also, in a different way, the Nakamichi TM radios and SoundSpace systems. 

There was a solid state ARC pre that was very

And I do  remember "free" listening at some friends homes/systems that were great values. I was exceedingly lucky to have a best friend that bought most of my gear when I was "moving on".  It gave me the chance to listen to what I had had compared to what I currently least once what I had sold to him was better than what my replacement gear was...........the old "live and learn". 


really?  magic eraser to clean stylus?  i would be worried that it would pull...  u use it wet or dry?  magic sponges are meant to used wet for their cleaning effect (on everyday things)
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Middlemass I loved it ....the joint and the babe,.... lights low AND lots but not too much wine OHHHHhhhhhhhh
It doesnt get any better....damn I want it back.....But I know its not happening
ON a different first pair of M & K speakers with the sub.....
driven by a pair of refurb Van Alystyne (alstine) who knows 70 watt something....sitting in the front room listening to LA 4
OMG with a wonderful beautiful dancer from the UTAH ballet
Thank you god! 
A Schiit Loki. Best $150 ever spent.
I bought a NAD 118 digital preamp. It is a cross between a Schiit Loki and Black Ice F360. I bought it, brand new, at half the full retail price of $1600.
Five years later, I bought an immaculate used NAD 118 for around $400.
It’s fascinating to see what’s old is new again in these forums.

Mr. Clean Magic Eraser was discussed for several months c.2007 or so, I can’t recall the exact year. The upshot was that it was generally enthusiastically endorsed among the analog cognoscenti as a method for cleaning a stylus.

Use it dry. "Dip" the stylus into the material a few times. Don’t rub.
Thanks ... I have my Onzow gooey bubble, but I was curious...