Acrolink 8N-PC8100 Performante Power Cable

I just bought an Acrolink 8N-PC8100 Performante PC, it work perfect with my Esoteric CD Player. Compare to my previous Acrolink 7N PC-4030 Mark II, this new cable has lower noise, more dynamics, deeper and solid bass, more clarity but more organic sound.

I bought this cable because my friend is using this.   But unfortunately, because this cable just came out last year, I can't find any information about this in English. I only can find this in YouTube:

If you have any information about this in English, please post to here. Thanks. 

I'm more than a year late to the party. I just tried the PC9700 in my system and man this cable brought a huge difference to my system. I will swap out the cable with a cheap Supra Lorad shortly to reconfirm my enthusiasm. It's surely quality. 

At some point of time, I would be planning to add another 9900 or 8100 to my collection of power cords. However, that would have to wait for a while as I'm currently financially exhausted after getting the 9700. 
rnrmf1971 or anyone, I understand you now have both PC9700 and PC8100. I have gone through the comments and reviews on this forum, Eric’s blog and everywhere else and have a rather good idea how both cords sound like. Nevertheless, based on your experience which cord is best for the DAC and amplifier? 9700 on amp and 8100 on DAC or vice versa? I am aware the choice may be dependent on system components and musical preference but I’m trying to figure out if there’s an optimal arrangement with the cords on specific components to attain the best result or sound performance.
I think each one works best, together, at least in my system at this point. I have an integrated amp and SACD/DAC, so it's a simple system.

Doing that reinforces and magnifies the qualities that each cable has. Mixing the cables in this system is less appealing than using 2 of the same.  

In a bigger system, with separate amps and additional sources, mixing the cords to match the component's sound would probably be more successful, and I did that to an extent in another system. 
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Thanks for the response. If I am interpreting it correctly, you find that using all-9700 or all-8100 sound better than mixing 9700 and 8100 in your system (integrated amp and SACD/DAC). Interesting.

If I’m reading the reviews correctly, the 8100 is supposed to have better punch, slam and dynamics in the bass and midrange and possess a more delicate, detailed or extended highs/treble than the 9700. Is that correct? I’m going to snag a used 8100 (or perhaps 9900 or 9700) if one comes up in the used market. I’m not sure if it’s an appropriate allocation of funds if I happen to add another cable to the collection as the cost of these cords is actually higher than my Chord DAC. But the temptation is high after getting to know the potential of the single 9700 in my system.