Klipsch Heresy 4?

I didn't realize the 4s came out until I started researching the Heresy 3s. Has anyone heard them or purchased them? What's the deal?
I enjoy Huff's reviews.  He does have some good insight about the components he reviews.  But you should keep in mind, the newest speaker, amp, etc., that he reviews, is the best.  And he keeps it for a while until the next "Best" hits his column. 
mjcmt  , yup , you got it  right about Huff  , it's really just entertainment .I find it really funny when some one buys something based on their review like one of Huff's .I am sure he's a good guy , just do not buy in to his hype
Steve replaced the Heresys already with JBLs... 

Anyhow! :-) Today I was caught offguard. I went to this hifi store to buy a CD player. I auditioned it on Heresy 4 speakers and DA’AM!!!! I immediately asked what my current speakers would do when trading in... really considering it now!

These speakers could fill a room! A huuuuge sweet spot, love it! I think I’d have to listen to them in my own home first but I’m really practically sold.
I did not replace my H4's. I actually have two sets. I review audio, and have for many many years. I get in a lot of gear, so some stays, some goes. Those that stay are special to me. The H4's are special to me. Listening right now as I write this ; ) There is not a speaker I prefer, even the Cornwall IV which I also had in here.