I am browsing AG and when select an ad to review it then shows I am logged on as another user? I logged of and back on and was ok for a bit. Then it happened again. I reported to AG. I am JBMAC75 not THEROBERT.
That's it, bunker time.

Grab all the chickens, the rabbit, the goat and the dog. Leave the wife top side.. Teach them to mess with me..

She's meaner than hell, with a shotgun and a glass or two of  wine in her. 
110 lb of pure FEIST. 

Come on you, YOU, REDS!!! Catch me Irish arce, if ye can.... 

Now, Fader, quit praying, and start countin' the bullets...

Ask the Patron Saint "St. McStereo" to bless us with a good retro RED virus to clean up the mess... I figure a 20.00 ought to do it.

Maybe one "Our Fader", and a "Hail Mary" for good measure...

Amen, Admin :-)
We are still logging into other users's accounts today - 9/17. The site is not "Safe". I would encourage any of our regular customers to shop with us directly at tmraudio.com until this issue is resolved. 
If anyone gets logged in as me, go ahead and give yourself excellent feedback.
The only glitch I've encountered is that overnight, after I've shut down my computer, I find myself logged off when I get back on the next day, even though I've checked "stay logged on".

Other than that, It's still me looking back at myself, in the mirror.

All the best,
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