Insurance - your experiences

I often look at my system and LP collection and think ’Although I have been told my equipment and vinyl are covered for fire, theft, and accident, I would hate to put it to the test,’Have you detailed equipment, CD’s, and vinyl to your insurer and have an agreed value?
Anyone have experience of claiming? What difficulty have you overcome with equipment classed as too ’old to insure’ - as is my 1984 Linn Sondek. Or even rare vinyl?Let me know your experiences.
I don't know if it is the same with all insurance company, but my house burnt to the ground, I had replacement value on the content and they gave me the full value of my album. They also replace my audio gear with today's comparable price gear as my stereo was vintage. The only thing that had a cap was computer and related items.I still remember it was clause H4 in order to be covered which I didn't have, they gave me $1500 flat rate. The rest they replace. I would ask the insurance company what is their policy.
Dustcanblue, it all depends on what kind of policy you buy. Replacement cost insurance is more expensive. An agent who is trying to get your business by keeping the cost down might not even tell you about it. Anyone with a big system and collection should have it. Crap  happens. I never thought about a lightening strike until it happened. Check your policy or call your agent.
Our Nationwide homeowner's policy specifically caps categories like audio equipment, televisions, cds, albums, musical instruments, etc. To have anything close to adequate replacement coverage would require separate riders for each category (says they).
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Orgligan197, very respectfully speaking in my 40 yrs I have never seen Nationwide or any other carrier put a $ limitation in a homeowners policy on TV’s or CDs.

However carriers do have $ limitations on some personal property like cash, jewelry, silverware, collectibles and a few others. However I am in Florida, and coverage by a given carrier can vary a bit by state. If in fact you have those $ limitations I suggest you contact the #1 carrier in America every year on home insurance since 1964. I’m sure you have a “Good Neighbor“ near you! In Florida we offer no $ limitations on CDs, vinyl, TV’s or audio equipment.