One of the Best Stereo System in the World!


I couldn’t help sharing this video. What a journey and exceptional dedication to built a system we all can aspire to build one day.

I tip my hat off to Mr. Ken Fritz and wish him well!
ME for one, don't get much better than Krell in the BIG dollar market and lifetime warr.  I saw a setup in Aspin with Krell Pyramids Valve units. Just south of 850,000 for the pair...4.5 million for the room gear and all the goodies, All KRELL, even the cabling. I was there for 4 weeks on a foundational ground reinforcement, job, just for the entertainment room and deck. Nice when money is NO OPTION.

One of a kind, love that stuff, A LOT of it out there too. Most of the folks that have this kind of system, never tells a soul...I saw a JBL custom set up with Krell in the Oakland hills. It was a breath talking. Again foundation job for the triple tiered decks

What interested me was his desire to see it go on- to not have his dream dismantled. At the end, we all want a legacy. 
Amazing.  Just AMAZING!

What a great story and wonderful devotion to his goals.


Would have been nice if you turned it on and played it so we could have heard it. Not a big fan of Krell, I personally don't find it as warm and musical as SimAudio gear. But that's just my opinion..