Length of speaker cables

I just went from 2 channel amp to mono blocks. Is it important that I stop using 4 meter audio quest rocket 88 and downsize to 6 ft? Will there be an audible improvement?
One of the benefits of switching to mono blocks is the ability to use shorter runs of cable. It is not imperative that you take advantage of this opportunity, but why wouldn’t you? This is an excellent time to upgrade, If you are going to use the the same AQ cables in a shorter length, you will probably not notice a difference. Use the shortest length of upgraded cable possible; it will look neater, impress your friends, and sound better. While you’re at it, replace those standard power cords with some better ones. Enjoy!
Try Morrow cable website. Good cables at a reasonable price. And I believe they have a sale going on.
Make it shorter, it will be neater.

For whatever it is worth, my speakers' instruction manual says to use as short of a cable as possible. I doubt the difference in you cutting yours in half would be audible, but less mess cannot hurt.

I upgraded my 6’ Audioquest Rocket 88 to 8’ Audioquest William Tell cables. Absolute night and day difference.