Avalon Compas

Does anyone own, or have owned a pair of Avalon Acoustics Compas speakers? If so what are your thoughts both pro and con?

In casual in store and show settings my Eidolons always seemed sleepy by comparison. Basically my listening skills were seriously lacking.

Once I got a pair at home it was a revelation. That was thirteen years ago. A long time out of the loop, so...

Aside from a new phono cartridge I haven't had the slightest itch to upgrade anything. I'm still struck by how much I enjoy their look and feel.    
So you are saying the Eidolons worked well for you and you did not have the Avalon Compas speakers.

I've owned many Avalon speakers over the years,still have a warm spot for their home monitors of the 1990s...are you asking this because your buying ?If so id say Avalon is less relevant than years ago,so if dropping big coin there are several makers id look at and listen to before spending ...just my opinion