Sound stage, front, middle, or behind your speaker

I've heard all three, and it seemed to have nothing to do with the quality of the speaker. I have dipole speakers and the sound stage is 7 feet behind the speakers. I suppose there are a number of variables that will determine in front or behind; the question is whether or not this is determined by the position of the speaker or the speaker it self?
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Well, I have dipoles and my sound stage is either a little forward of....or, in line with the speaker plane......depending on which of my last two preamps I used.

My Audioprism Mantissa (tubed) placed the forward part of the sound stage in line with the speakers, and my Monarchy M-24 (also tubed)....extends the forward part of the sound stage a foot or two beyond the speaker plane.

I'd say it's the preamp, and speaker setup........although in my case the speaker location did not change (but I think you need to change yours?.....yikes!....7 feet behind the speakers?....something is wrong!).

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I agree with Elizabeth. I'd bet that if you swapped the negative and positive speaker leads on each respective amplifier channel your presentation could move more forward. You might want to try that to see which way your recordings sound best to you... Be sure to do the swap on both channels or you will get an out-of-phase result that won't sound right.