Partly passive preamp?

I’ve been using an Audio Research LS22 preamp with my Krell duo 175xd power amp. I also use an Audio Research PH3 phono stage.   Since the ARC preamp is about 25 years old, I’ve thought of replacing it. First, I decided to connect my PS Audio Directstream DAC directly to the Krell amp to see if it made a difference (the DirectStream has a good volume control).  It sounds great.  If I never wanted to use my turntable and tuner again, I’d consider sticking with this setup.  My question: is there such a thing as a preamp which would allow me to use my other equipment but does nothing to the signal coming from the dac...which is essentially passive when using the dac input?  
I adore my Khozmo passive (with remote option and all the resistor upgrades).  It displaced my Slagle AVC.
I adore my Khozmo passive (with remote option and all the resistor upgrades). It displaced my Slagle AVC.
A good potentiometer will always sound less colored and more dynamic than the transformer based based passive.

Here is another good one for the OP fast around $500
Or the 4 input stereo or dual mono

Cheers George
Thanks for the help/suggestions.  What about the Benchmark LA4 preamp?  Some rave reviews in both Stereophile and Absolute Sound, sounds like it is pretty much a passive preamp, good price?
Benchmark LA4 preamp Stereophile and Absolute Sound, sounds like it is pretty much a passive preamp
Why pay $2600.00 for it when the Goldpoint passives above are approx $500? depending on how many inputs needed.

Cheers George 
Goldpoint is a great passive. I use one with the Dual Volume pots. Very hard to tell the difference between direct to amp and using the Goldpoint..