Sam here.l realize now why so many people think my ideas are crazy?

Hair is an extension of the nervous system, it can be correctly seen as exteriorized nerves, a type of highly evolved ’feelers’ or ’antennae’ that transmit vast amounts of important information to the Brainstem, the Limbic system, and the Neocortex.

Not only does hair in people, including facial hair in men, provide an information highway reaching the brain, hair also emits energy, the electromagnetic energy emitted by the brain into the outer environment. This has been seen in Kirlian photography when a person is photographed with long hair and then rephotographed after the hair is cut.

When hair is cut, receiving and sending transmissions to and from the environment are greatly hampered. This results in numbing-out .

Cutting of hair is a contributing factor to unawareness of environmental distress in local ecosystems. It is also a contributing factor to insensitivity in relationships of all kinds. It contributes to sexual frustration.

In searching for solutions for the distress in our world, it may be time for us to consider that many of our most basic assumptions about reality are in error. It may be that a major part of the solution is looking at us in the face each morning when we see ourselves in the mirror.

The story of Sampson and Delilah in the Bible has a lot of encoded truth to tell us. When Delilah cut Sampson’s hair, the once undefeatable Sampson was defeated.

If he is being serious he should consider some professional help.
If he is taking the pee then I would just have to say.  "Well played!"
Not here to defend Sam, he seems willing and capable of doing that himself. I would think it interesting for everyone to consider the way non-audios might view things such as $10k cables; directional wire; stones, crystals, powders, pastes and such; springs and expensive insulators; things hanging from the walls to absorb; descriptions of music- airy, depth,,,,, you get the idea.  Maybe we should all be open to unique ideas? I would try by cutting my hair but nature has left me with a perfect shiny dome. ;-)
I m mostly messing with him.
I have to admit some of the things he has stated do at least make you sit and think.....
No leaning one way or the other but either a very over active imagination or privy to the dark secrets of the Deep State......