Can anyone recommend a good streamer/DAC?

I have tried streaming on an Astell& Kern Kann Cube and love it. Now looking for a streamer DAC combo (or  both integrated in one box) to put on the rack with my living room system. I have read good things about the Cambridge Audio 851n and their CXN v2; $1,500 and $1,100, respectively. Also about the Bryston BDA-3.14, at $4,200. I am willing to pay for good quality sound and at the same time I worry that the technology may be moving fast enough that as with computers and HDTVs there will be a much better version available soon for a lot less money. Anybody know if Cambridge Audio or Bryston has anything new in the works for streamer/DACs? All recommendations will be much appreciated.
Cambridge CXN V2 is warmish sounding and IMHO would synergize with your existing system. It will hold 75% of its value in the used market if you take care of it when you eventually upgrade your system.
Yes. Auralic Altair new or used. It works with Roon or you can you its own Lightning software. 
Very curious about the Araulic G series, please let me know how you like the sound quality. I’m in the same boat except kinda new to digital streaming; always played vinyl and cd on my tube system. I’d like to add streamer for the convenience beyond low level Spotify/Audioengine D2 and purchase a serious music streamer that allows me to use its DAC for my CD player w/ digital out (no cd rip needed). Thanks

Resolution Audio Opus-21 NS Mod CD
Van Den Hul Crimson Black cart
CAT SL1 Renaissance BPA v2019 pre
Mcintosh MC275 x2 amp
Wilson Audio Sophia 3 speakers

Any Lumin streamer will work well for streaming only. They only have DAC that serves the streamer itself with no auxiliary inputs for a CD transport .
Happy Listening