What isolation feet under your amp with great result?

I'm looking for more cleaner, micro inner details. Not tone control or dynamic.
Amp is 82-lb. TIA
Critical mass CS2.  Prior to moving my whole system to these, I was using footers that cost $1000/- per piece (list) and thought they were brilliant.  But the CS2 footers make everything else seem like a joke.  About $1200 per set of the lowest series.

Have been experimenting with footers from the mid 90's and been thru all the latest fads over the years.  Stay away from all rubber based ones. Yes, rubber does absorb vibration....BUT a lot of it gets reflected back after a delay. This is the reason for the 'soft' sound associated with sorbothane et al
After rubber came cones, then these were improved by bearings.  Both types help, cones by acting as a sort of mechanical valve for vibration, and bearings by obstructing the transmission path of vibration. Different brands are more or less effective.  

CS2 is a completely new concept - the composites and structure drain away vibration in a way I confess I don't understand, but the effect is undeniable.  

I would strongly suggest putting all component upgrades on hold and investing instead in these footers.  Once 'burned in' (in my system 300 - 400 hours playing time) one tends to find what one was looking for without messing around with component and cable (also a component?) upgrades.

Best wishes
I have to question micro-vibration and its effect on SQ.
My active speakers , Elac Navis,  have the amplifiers built in and they are  subject to significant vibration, as a result of sharing the same cabinet as the drivers.
The power and analogue cables feeding the speaker also vibrate considerably .
But SQ is fine.
How about LessLoss.com the "Bindbreaker vibration control equipment feet". Sound great in all aspects. Read my review on their website. Unfortunately they need careful handling and the equipment slides around easily. But well worth it, even though they are not the cheapest and not the prettiest or most expressive looking ones :)
Aftermarket footers are system, and even more so, component cassis specific. It depends on what you need or want sonically, as many of them will shift tonality slightly one way or the other. 
One I don’t see mentioned much are the Daedalus Isolation Devices (DiD’s). Steel bearings sandwiched between wood surfaces in an aluminum enclosure, as well as brass utilized. The dissimilar materials is the key and bearings in this way work way better than bearings between more metal from my experience... All ya gotta do is call Lou to purchase. Highly recommended. 
I use a mix of DiD’s, ISOacoustic IsoPucks, EVP’s and built-in still points on my preamp.

The IsoPucks (no need to pay for the higher models from what I’ve heard. They’re just for looks) work best —and very well— directly under the stock feet of my Lampizator. On my ss amp, they work best under the heat sinks rather than under the chassis portion. 
EVP’s only worked for me under my power conditioner/filter And one under an AppleTV for SiriusXM streaming when needed, but it sure does wok here (with a weight too). 
Anything else with rubber or composite rubber I have never had good luck with. Did all the tenderfoot footers, Sorbothane and so forth and always found it to slow down the bass or mess with timing somehow.