Wilson Wat Puppy 7 or Avalon Opus Ceramique?

Hello, I have the opportunity to buy an used Wilson Audio watt puppy 7 or go for an Avalon Opus Ceramique. Which one to take if you live in a flat ie. have to enjoy music at rather low volume, want very good dynamic and lots of soundstage? And in case of the Wilson, which integrated amp would you take? Cheers and thank you, Mike
Go with the Wilson's. Set-up properly and matched with the proper components, cables, they are hard to beat. They sound amazing at low sound levels too (still very dynamic) and completely disappear in the room. Huge soundstage and holographic imaging. Wilson's give you the music as intended w/o coloration. I own W/P 8's. They are a sonic bargain when purchased second hand.
Keep in mind that you guys are recommending large and outgoing speakers with big room requirements when we don't even know the size of this room.
Hi Goatwuss,

I agree with you that he should choose a speaker he will be happy with in his current room and also work well with his current equipment especially his amp. I'm assuming that at this time Mike has a lead on a good deal for either of these speakers. At the same time, I feel it would be wise to look to the future in making this decision just in case he is going to want a speaker that will work well in a larger room with the ability to dive deeper in the bass and play back at higher volumes.

It would make more sense to buy a room-appropriate speaker now, and if/when in the future the room size increases and the situation changes, then re-evaluate the situation.
The Avalon Opus, predecessor to the Opus Ceramique has a beautiful sound and looks great, too.