What's the "worst" cdp for the money?

OK, we've seen much input on the best cdp for the money. Now how about we collect opinions on the worst value cdp's out there? You know, like a $3000 player that sounds like a $300 player.

I totally agree on your assessment of Nakamichi. I still own several of their tape decks including a 680ZX and 2 550s (one for parts). They were well ahead of their time in analog sound reproduction. I never owned one of their CDPs as I thought going digital was a sell out on their part. From a business perspective I understand Nakamichi's view, but if you're going to make the jump to digital at least do it right.

I never said that there is no difference between a $500 and a $5000 cd player. Please read my post carefully before making assumtions.

Thank you :)
i made no assumptions... i just don't agree with your statement:"the difference between a $500 cd player and a $5000 cd player is not very big" i think the difference is pretty big depending on what $5000 player you're listening to. i've had players in my system ranging from $150 to well over $5000. some of the big buck machines were not impressive at all and some, like the one i own currently are awesome... ymmv
IMHO law of diminishing returns kick in much quicker when it comes to cd players, the difference between a $500 cd player and a $5000 cd player is not very big, unlike speakers or turntables. I personally don't see any merit in purchasing a cd player costing more than $2000.
I'm not assuming anything beyond what you have written here, Quadophile. I simply disagree with your statement. That's all.
You said the difference was not big. You are quite incorrect. It may not be apparent with your Quad components and Kef speakers but if you have a highly resolving system there is a very big difference. This is really not a debatable issue.