Don't like vinyl

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Listening to digital music is like to driving a modern car, it is comfortable and does everything well whereas listening to vinyl is like driving a restored classic car, you have to pamper it and make sure everything is working correctly, then it'll reward you with a satisfying grin. Until you hit a pothole.
I have two nice TT's so that I can listen to my record collection, not because I am a fanatic who gives a hoot about whether you bought a more expensive source of one type to tout its superiority over your cheaper device.

Hey fuzztone Bob,
Do you know why Dolly Partons feet are so small?
Nothing grows good in the shade.
I like vinyl my main source of recorded music.
But if you don't like it don't listen to it.  Not worth a blog entry
Excellent first post @kashani ….however when driving that restored car keep your eyes on the road to avoid the pothole. Not as easy with Vinyl...when you close your eyes to enjoy the music. Every once in a blue moon,  when that scratch is heard - I try to replace the album. Fortunately having kept most of my records in good shape that is not a problem I encounter.  

I listen to digital while at work during the day and it fills in quite nicely.