I don’t know anything about electronics, so I would just like for someone to explain to me, based on its internal pictures, what exactly justifies this integrated amplifier’s price tag of $7,350! The parts inside don’t seem to cost more than $1200-1300 combined. Casework is nothing special. I understand that makers have to charge more than what it costs them to produce, but what am I missing here? Everyone raves about it, so its price is justified because it sounds good?

I tried to compare internal pictures of LFD NCSE MK3(https://img.usaudiomart.com/uploads/large/2144793-1dcbef2f-lfd-ncse-mk3-integrated-amplifier.jpg) to those of Belles Aria integrated(https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.powermodules.com%2FewExternalFiles%2FHFC_41...) and Valvet E2SE(https://positive-feedback.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Valvet-Open.jpg). One is a little more than $2,000, and the other is $4,000. Parts-wise, the other two seem to have more parts inside (and quality parts, based on reviews), yet they cost less.

Don’t get me wrong, everyone is free to charge whatever they want. And if I were to audition and like it, I’d probably buy it as well. I just think that I might be overlooking something here, that I’m not experienced yet to be paying attention to, and I don’t wanna dismiss something good in the future because of the same mistake.

On a side note, has anybody compared LFD NCSE MK3 to Belles Aria or Valvet E2SE? On another side note, how do First Watt amps compare to those?
I purchased the MKI when it was still selling at introductory pricing of $6k gently used at $4500 shortly after it first went into production.

Regardless of price, it's the only audio purchase I've ever made that was happily ever after.  I have had no desire to change it out and 10 years later I've changed all other aspects of my system besides the NCSE.  It sounds wonderful that's all there is to it - pure musical enjoyment.

Even the cost of the Boulder amplifiers or Gryphon, Audio Note, Shindo etc don't add up when you tally up the sum of it's parts but if they sound good and are reliable units they are worth their asking price.

The NCSE MKII have been going for almost half of the newest version so if price is important your best bet is to grab the previous version and save a ton of money.  I'm sure there's a difference but it won't be dramatic at all.

I've paired the NCSE with Kudos and Harbeth and the results were excellent all around.  

I always joke that I'll be buried with that amp I love it so much we'll see but the honeymoon stage never ended that's for sure...
Well, if you look under the hood of Gryphon, you'll know that you're getting your money's worth. Let me try to clarify my question above: is the unit empty inside because of some exotic parts, of which you don't need as many, or are they charging a lot simply because they can? Either way, I'll be the first one to buy it, if I like the sound. I was simply asking out of curiosity, nothing more. I've read a lot of raving reviews of the NCSE MK3, and few videos on youtube, which featured this amp, sounded very good! I so wish you didn't write that...now I'm beginning to want to hear for myself what the fuss is all about :-)

My dilemma eventually will be to decide between two choices:
1. Pass Labs HPA-1 + Valvet E2SE
LFD has a well deserved reputation as one of the best-made amplifiers and cables out there. Unless you're an engineer or electronics expert, don't go by layout. Go by sound.